Exceptional Slovak artist

Marek Ormandík for CHORS

Exceptional Slovak artist

Marek Ormandík and CHORS

Slovak painter Marek Ormandík created a special collection of large paintings for the art hostel CHORS.

Chors, the Slavic God of the Sun and the Moon was his inspiration. And Mrs Chors of course.

The Chors in the paradise garden, on the throne, or jointly riding on horseback are the motives the author put in his three-meter-high paintings. And of course the act of welcoming the Sun!

You will find more paintings painted by Marek Ormandík in Chors hostel. You will find prayers with or without children, dogs, and other creatures. You can buy these paintings directly at CHORS.

We believe that thanks to the original painting decoration, your stay in CHORS hostel will be unforgettable.

You can find the collection of his art, in CHORS Gallery.

Even our CHORSGodNFTs are inspired by the leading Slovak painter Ormandik and enhanced by digital art and blockchain technology.

Life of an exceptional artist

born on - 19.12.1968 in Bratislava

education - 1987 - 1993 VŠVU in Bratislava - free graphics book creation

work - paintings, sculpture, graphics, illustration,

independent and profile exhibitions

· 1997 Old town hall, Bratislava, “Európske paralely“

· 1999 Cite Internationale des Arts, Paríž, France

· 2002 Slovak Institute, Budapest, Hungary “Kristove roky”

· 2004 Porto Sant Elpidio, Italy

· 2004 Gallery Via Larga, Florence, Italy “Italian inspiration” (with Igor Rumanský, Vladimír Gažovič and Milan Ormandík)

· 2005 Theater Bezzábradlí, Prague, Czech republic,“ Divadelné plagáty”

· 2005 Slovak Institute Warsaw, Poland, “Otec a syn” (with Milan Ormandík)

· 2005 Štúdio L+S, Bratislava, “Polčas rozpadu”

· 2006 Danubiana, Čunovo, “Nové veci”

· 2006 Slovak institute, Berlín, Germany, “Hlava”

· 2007 Bibiana, Bratislava, “Čudá hravé v mojej hlave”

· 2007 Slovak Institute, Rome, Italy, “Obrazne” (with Milan Ormandík)

· 2007 Urban gallery, Tula, Russia, “Otec a syn” (with Milan Ormandík)

· 2008 Slovak Institute, Moscou, Russia, “Kresmaľby”

· 2008 Kosovelov dom, Sežan, Slovinsko, “Danteho peklo…”

· 2012 Gallery of St. Krševana, Šibenik, Croatia "Vau, vauu, vuf"

· 2012 Galéria mesta Bratislava, Pálffyho palác, "Svätí za dedinou" + "Pochod"

· 2012 Theater of Bolek Polívka, Brno, Czech Republic, "K.a.l.v.á.r.i.a."

· 2014 Gallery Kortil, Rijeka, Croatia "Iz stvaralačkog opusa"

· 2016 Urban gallery, Levoča, "Človek človeku"

· 2017 ZOYA Gallery, Bratislava, "Stôl a Plot"

· 2017 Galerie M1 - Kunstzone, Gera, Nemecko, "Maľba"

· 2018 Galéria Bellart, Viedeň, Rakúsko "Night Cruise"

· 2019 guided tour of the exhibition / Múr Marekov/ danubian museum / čunovo

· 2019 exhibition / gallery Kolomana Sokola / Liptovský Mikuláš

· 2019 opening of the exhibition in Olomouc "Múr marekov II."

· 2019 joint exhibition in Levoča

· 2019 self-portrait at the exhibition in the Vienna Belvedere /

· 2019 guided tour of the exhibition figurman

· 2020 exhibition opening - ksicht, gallery 19, Lazaretská ulica 19, Bratislava

· 2020 exhibition opening - ksicht 2/, gallery 19, Lazaretská ulica 19, Bratislava

· 2020 Art of coronavirus in CHORS like a hotel

· 2020 exhibition in the nedbalka gallery

· 2021 opening of the exhibition "korek do nieba" in the city gallery of contemporary art in Tešín, Poland


· 1994 - Main award for painting, Mandrač 94, Opatija, Croatia

· 2006 - Aurel, the price for the best CD cover of the year

· 2007 - Meulensteen art award

· 2008 - Martin Benka Award, Nomination for the foundation of Tatra Banka for art

· 2008 - The most beautiful books of Slovakia (Milancholy, text: Milan Lasica ; ilustr.: Marek Ormandík ; graf. upr.: Marek Ormandík)

· 2009 - First special price of the jury, Premio internationale d'arte San Crispino, Italy

· 2010 - Krištáľové krídlo award in categhory of fine art

· 2016 - he most beautiful books of Slovakia(Piesnenie, text: Milan Lasica ; ilustr.: Marek Ormandík)


· 2008 Milan Lasica: "Milanchólia”, Vydavateľstvo SLOVART - illustration and graphic design

· 2016 Milan Lasica: "Piesnenie”, SLOVART publisher - illustrations

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